
Solutions I Bacteria Reduction


Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbial that most commonly are transmitted in contaminated fresh water, water pipe lines or storage still water. Infection commonly results during bathing, washing, drinking, in food preparation, or food consumption that is infected. Various forms of waterborne diarrheal disease probably are the most prominent examples. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), about 1.5 million human deaths annually, due to the unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, this also cause serious impact in global economy & heavy burden of governments social insurance.

To ensure every drop water intake to human body is safe & healthy, Caware patent filter cartridge technology provides products of hollow fiber filter cartridges of rapid gravity flow to reduce the bacteria in water with log 9 reduction for medical / hospital application (per ASTM 838 protocol)or log 6 for drinking water applications, log 4 for virus reduction and log 3 for cysts giardia (per NSF231 protocol).